Klint Family | Clum-Kennedy Park, MD

I had such a wonderful time with the Klint family on a picture perfect spring day at Clum-Kennedy Park in Kensington, MD! We had beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom and lots of sweet smiles (and trucks)! SO much fun!

Location Scouting! | Montgomery County MD

Itโ€™s always fun to check out new spaces, so I did a little drive today to check out some parks and see how the blooms were looking! Maryland is typically a little bit later then the peak blossoms at the Tidal Basin, so these are still just starting to bloom!

Clum Kennedy

Beautiful little park in Kensington with some great blossoms and variety of color!

Red Gate Park

This is an old golf course in north Rockville that has a cute pond, a gorgeous weeping willow and some buds that are still just starting to come out.

Martin Luther King, Jr Recreational Park

This park has yet to bloom at cherry blossoms, but these white blossoms were beautiful and all over the place with some nice trails and a lake nearby.

Poplar Run Neighborhood

This neighborhood has a sweet grove of cherry blossoms. They are not super tall but enough to give that pop of color in the background!

Winding Creek Local Park

This park has a beautiful cherry blossom tree, paths, a few bridges and a playground. In a few weeks this is definitely going to look much more fuller and green, but the cherry blossom tree is blooming in all itโ€™s glory now!

Bhuller Family | Spring Session Meadowlark Gardens, VA

Spring is finally here! While the wind chill may still be something to contend with, it was worth it for these lovely blossom photos at Meadowlark Gardens with the Bhuller family! So much sweetness and lovely color!