The Popiel Family!

Have you ever heard the term "forever friend"?  It sounds like it could be straight out of some cheesy middle school novelette, but that would be appropriate since I met this "forever friend" at about that age. Sarah and I met when I was 12 years old at my very first trip to the beloved Triangle X Ranch (where I continue to go every year), and our friendship is one of the reasons the ranch stays so near and dear to my heart.  Our families came back year after year at the same time, and we'd look forward to our week at the ranch– riding horses, sitting on porches– just being goofy and sharing our lives and all the important things to us as teenagers.


In-between vacations we'd faithfully write letter after letter– from Philadelphia to Tulsa– and we both have boxes full of letters that span the years to show for it–  something I will always treasure! (and pray no one else ever reads...)


I call Sarah a "forever friend" because no matter how long the gaps are between seeing each other, it feels like no time has passed.  Even though we've lived a lot of life, we pick up right where we left off.

Sarah and her family made a trip out to DC last weekend and we had a BLAST!  I loved showing them my world and my city.  And I had the honor of taking their first official family photos!  So. much. fun.

I am forever grateful for this "forever friend"!

(no matter how cheesy that sounds!)

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