It looks like snow is an inevitable event this weekend- whether big or small, the white stuff is coming! You may not be thinking about one the greatest things about snow- photographing it! The beautiful white contrast gives a whole new landscape and DC is an excellent place to be! So don't let the snow get you stuck inside- get out there and shoot! Here are some of top places and things to photograph in the snow!
The Zoo The animals are out but the people are not! You can catch them in the beautiful snow setting!
Your neighborhood Anything that contrasts with the pretty white snow is super fun to photograph.
Leaves and trees I love how snow falls on trees and plants. Use a fast shutter speed to actually capture the individual flakes coming down! Find contrasting colors and textures.
People Snow acts as a natural reflector and brings that beautiful brightness to faces! Go out there and try it! And if you are near me, I'm always up for an impromptu snow session!
The Monuments The contrast between the stone and the snow can be absolutely gorgeous. Anywhere down on the mall or any local statues make incredibly interesting snow pictures! (this one just taken with my iPhone)
Water & Bridges Getting anywhere near the Potomac or a body of water will create some interesting textures! (another example just from the trusty iPhone) Cemeteries I know it may seem morbid, but cemeteries can be an incredible beautiful and peaceful in the snow!
Ice If it turns icy, there are always interesting formations to find and photograph!
So there is no excuse to stay stuck indoors in the snow- get out and photograph it while you can- I know I will!!